Posts filed under Visualizations

Explosion Vs Erosion for Stacked Charts in Power BI!

Video by: Reid Havens

Learn about a recently released feature for Power BI that lets you choose how to add spaces between stacked chart categories. Either by "Exploding" or "Eroding" to create those spaces. Each has their pros/cons so tune in to learn more!

Creating a Dual Variance Chart w/ Overlap + Error Bars in Power BI

Video by: Reid Havens

Learn how to turn a native bar or column chart into a variance chart that compares against two values. This technique leverages the new overlap feature (Feb 24 release) + the error bars included with native visuals in Power BI Desktop. Tune in to learn more!

For easier, more robust, and feature rich ways to create IBCS charts, storytelling, customized overlaps, and more...checkout Inforiver Analytics + below.


Inforiver Analytics+

Posted on February 27, 2024 and filed under Visualizations, Power BI Features.